Contact Us
Please feel free to contact us.
Please note that due to privacy concerns, contact information for our members are not listed on our website. If you need to contact a group or person please email the church and put their name or the program as the subject and it will be forwarded to that person. The current office hours of the office administrator (Kelly) are: Wednesday and Friday 8:00-4:00. Starting September, 2023, the office hours will be: Tuesday and Friday 8:00-4:00 Please note that although the office administrator tries to keep to the scheduled hours, events (ex. meetings, church errands, etc.) may come up that require her to change her schedule without notice. |
Email address:Bulletin Announcements:Donation by e-transfer:Telephone Number:519-482-7376
Address:50 Fifth Avenue
Vanastra, ON N0M 1L0 Map: |